4 FROG Serene Bromine Replacement Cartridges for use in FROG Serene (formerly Spa FROG) Floating System or In-Line System with the Mineral Cartridge (sold separately); FROG Serene eliminates organic contaminants 2 ways with a low level of bromine and FROG Sanitizing Minerals
You reduce the amount of bromine used, which helps to make water gentler on skin, hair, swimsuits, and your hot tub's surfaces. FROG Sanitizing Minerals treat the water to provide a softer feel and absorb acid to assist in maintaining a balanced pH level.
Unlike chlorine, bromine slowly dissolves in hot water so it’s easier to regulate, has far less odors and is less impacted by pH swings making sanitizing more effective. Say goodbye to constant monitoring
The Bromine Cartridge can be dialed in to meet your spa’s precise needs and is designed to last 2-4 weeks. It’s prefilled, making replacement quick and easy, plus it’s recyclable when empty
The FROG Serene Fresh Mineral Water hot tub system uses Bromine and Mineral cartridges designed to eliminates organic contaminants, reduce bromine use by up to 50%* and improve the overall quality of hot tub water